Virginia Class

Virginia Class
The Virginia (SSN 774)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Perhaps this is the result of insanity or boredom.  Or maybe it stems from dedication.  But my wife and I have decided to start blogging, whatever that means, about letterboxing.  And since the only people who will probably view this ever are letterboxers, I don't even need to explain what letterboxing is.

To begin with, I'll probably just use this as a collection sight where I can organize all of my boxes.  Maybe more will come of it.

Oder vielleicht könnte ich mein Deutsch üben.  Und denn, werden alle die Leute durcheinander, die meine Blog schauen.

Wer weiß?


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog! We have one too, except I am much lazier about posting, I need to get blogging. We both have a lot to blog about, the early christmas in AZ, future plants, etc. I'm so excited I found this!
